Our Process

What Exactly The SEO Dash Methodology

A simple alternative to ineffective, expensive, long term SEO contracts. Pay for what you need, nothing more.

Short, Efficient
Work Cycle

A clear path to organic growth

Strategy Dash

Analytics review
Google Search Console review
Technical review
Content audit
Comprehensive SEO strategy
Growing your website's assets

Content Dash

Keyword research
Competitive gap analysis
Content topic ideation
Content matrix construction
Optimized content creation
Landing high authority link placements

Growth Dash

Backlink profile audit
Link prospecting
Link acquisition
Conversion rate optimization
Tracking and reporting
Google BigQuery Database Automation

Our Integrated SEO Audit Tool Will Transform Your Life, Without A Doubt

Our most powerful integrated SEO Audit tool can get a day’s worth SEO work in an hour. It is no wonder why we refer to “Swiss Army Knife” around here to describe it. To avoid controversy, we call it as "The Website Audit Master" (WAM) in public. If we tried to run the audit in Google Sheets or Excel, it would collapse – we put in simply too much data. Data is instead pushed into a Google BigQuery database through APIs. The audit is formatted and visualized in Google Sheets and Data Studio after being imported into BiqQuery.

We use it for

Technical analysis
Content auditing
Identifying quick win pages
Creating target pages for link building
SEO campaign progress reporting

automated Website Audit Master (WAM) software aka
"Swiss Army Knife"

Data sources for WAM

XML Sitemap(s)
DeepCrawl (full crawl, on page data, technical data)
Majestic (links data)
SEMrush (keyword data)
Google Analytics (traffic, engagement, conversions)
Google Search Console (clicks, impressions, CTR)

Output from WAM

A completed SEO audit, ready for analysis – in 2 formats:

Formatted to review automated “Action” recommendations and dig deep into the data.

Formatted to view large data sets in easy to read charts and tables. Also reports on progress over time.

Wait…is this automated?

Yes!BigQuery is an amazing platform. It not only allows us to process unlimited data, but also apply logic with SQL models. The SQL logic is where the real magic happens.For example, the WAM automates all of the following -

This alone saves us hours of spreadsheet work. We don't need to write crazy formulas, VLOOKUPS, or pivot tables…the data comes out of BigQuery completely ready to review.

Organized and Formatted. Everything we need to make an informed SEO decision about every page on your website.

The models are trained to read pages to determine “category” (blog post, product page, etc). This is so impactful because it allows us to analyze sections of your website (i.e. blog posts only) so we’re comparing “apples to apples” (as opposed to comparing performance of a blog post vs contact page).

We use this especially for large, enterprise sites who have a ton of data to sift through.

The main output from the WAM is knowing what to do with every page on a site from an SEO point of view. This serves as the perfect roadmap for any SEO campaign, as we know exactly how we’re going to optimize the entire site.

Before pushing to BigQuery, we used to run the WAM manually. We’d inspect each URL and assign an “Action” to take (i.e. 301 redirect, merge content, target with links, etc). This took too long.

So we trained BigQuery to understand “if” statements to automatically generate Actions.

For example…

  • If a page is 404 but has external links; Action = 301 redirect to appropriate page
  • If a page is 404 but has external links and internal links;Action = 301 redirect to appropriate page, remove internal links

We literally wrote hundreds of these and we continuously add more every time we run a WAM for clients.

We break these Actions down into 4 categories for simple analysis:

  • Technical Actions
  • On page Actions
  • Off page Actions
  • Site architecture Actions

We then review these in Sheets, or neatly organize on the Data Studio report.

The WAM can be refreshed daily, weekly, yearly; on whatever we’d like.

For clients, we set them up to run monthly. Each month the WAM refreshes to find new issues, but also report on the progress of past ones.

It’s a simple, cost effective way to monitor SEO changes and progress over a campaign.

Our Clients Experience
Big Results


Still Confused?

Ready To Dash?

We’ve helped hundreds of companies get more “ready to buy” visitors to their websites from search engines - we can do the same for you. Book your free website analysis with a growth advisor now.